Great list as ever. Dror Poleg's ideas on production (we'll need to produce less thanks to AI) and consumption (we'll end up consuming more) bring to mind Madlow's hierarchy. As we get done with work for the lower levels, what will replace that with? The idea of consumption leading to newer categories of production is super interesting. It's like this company Little Miss Matched that sells socks in threes to teens. The customers don't need those socks. They buy it to show that they belong to their tribe of teens, which is on a higher level on Madlow's pyramid.

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Somehow Maslow's hierarchy sounds intuitive, but what Poleg suggested is not. We are learning this by going thru the motion. May be in future, this will all seem logical like the Maslow's pyramid.

ps: You meant Maslow, right? I do not know of Madlow :)

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My reading of Maslow is, first you take care of body, then your status in society, then your mind. From that what I got from Poleg is that the ultra orthodox Jews in Israel have skipped the middle part. They don't have any envy so they don't aspire to a certain kind of life. I didmt get what you mean by going through the motions. Something to mull over next.

Yes, Madlow is thanks to my fat fingers.

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I meant that we are discovering these things as we do. We dont start aspiring for the higher order things, we get there as we keep doing the current things and up our game.

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