Sitemap - 2023 - Stay Curious

📚 Reading without purpose, Revisiting history, Map the picture & Memory dividends

📚 Sun Tzu’s fighting words, Fintech for the ageing, Account Aggregator bible, Singapore’s urbanism

📚 Financial confidence playbook, Network scam, Storytelling & magic, Understanding cities, housing & remote work

📚 Psychology of human misjudgment, Tragedy of the uncommon, Why CM2 matters, Question behind question

📚 Two type of data analytics, Amateur presenter, Purpose of questions, Harmful interventions

📚 Whose job is it, Moats of data businesses, Puzzmo manifesto, Rules of being human

🪔 Diwali greetings & Celebrations photos

📚 Removing the legend, Digital public goods, Loneliness economy, Beautiful products

📚 MAYA products, Filters for problem solving, How to build fast, Rules of good science, Beauty of chalk

📚 Fundamental forces at scale, Exceptional talent, Meetings you hate, Mario’s mustache

📚 Multi-threaded meetings, Incrementality In advertising, LLM for dummies, Teaching iteration

📚 Adventure in philosophy with kids, Three types of "No", Christmas tree effect, Backstory scope creep

📚 Thinking about money, Proof of X, Thoughts on manual, Landscape Theory, Airbnb’s party-pooping

📚Money Words, India’s next 30 years, Asymmetric life, Thinking Differently

📚 Amplifying intelligence, Lenny’s newsletter, Business acumen, Power words

📚 Fake ambition, Better decisions, Birds & Frogs and Kayfabes

1️⃣2️⃣2️⃣ Broken Windows, Power of the right question, Case against travel

📓 Leaky delegation, Dark side of your superpower, Good manners and Super Mario effect

📓 Higher level design, Multi-layered calendar, Better delegation and beautiful world of Storytelling.

📣 Making Things People Want > Making People Want Things

✍️ Writing gives poor thinking nowhere to hide.

🧩 To let go of the “how,” get really good at defining the “what”

🎁 The proof you can do hard things is one of the most powerful gifts you can give yourself

💯 If anything isn’t impeccably perfect, please contact me immediately

🗝️ And the key to culture is it's a framework for making decisions.

☕ You've been missing these solutions to 3 painful problems at work.

🔎 You can’t find secrets without looking for them

💡 Look for things that don’t make sense

Inviting your friends to Stay Curious is lot more rewarding now!

⚠️ The problem with the race to the bottom is that you might win.

🎯 If you play games where other people have the aptitudes and you don’t, you’re going to lose.

The very best don’t have to turn it on. It’s always on. They have to turn it off.

💡 Tackling the hard thing first gets you to “no” faster.

🗝️ Make up for what you don’t have with something they can’t have.

⚠️ Beware the man of one book

💡 The plural of anecdote is not data.

🎲 Games are problems people pay to solve

💬 Beliefs are the world’s most powerful network effects

💬 Simplicity is about subtracting the obvious and adding the meaningful

💬 Reality has a surprising amount of detail

#100 Impatience with actions, patience with results

#99 Good plumbing and platforms go a long way.

#98 Budgets are a tool, not a weapon.

#97 Get out of your own perception and into someone else’s perspective.

#96 Be happy to appear clueless in extraneous matters.

#95 Simplicity is repeatedly saying no to almost everything.

#94 Sources & Inspirations

#93 You don't prepare for world cups by playing world cups.

#92 Not all those who wander are lost.

#91 Just Do It.

#90 Data can’t give you a purpose

#89 Data → information → knowledge → understanding → wisdom

#88 He who jumps into the void owes no explanation to those who stand and watch

#87 You don’t rise to the level of your inspiration, you fall to the level of your discipline.